
2017-09-27 14:09 1491

文/潘光伟 中国银行业协会专职副会长来源:中国银行业杂志近日,标准普尔(以下简称标普)宣布将我国长期主权信用评级从AA-降至A+,随后,又宣布下

文/潘光伟 中国银行业协会专职副会长


































CreditRatings should not miss the "forest" for the "trees"

Recently, the Standard & Poor's (S&P) announced to lower China's sovereign credit rating to A+ from AA-, followed by further downgrading its rating on several Chinese banks and financial institutions. 

However, given the context of China's various improved economic indicators, mitigated system credit risks for the corporations and banks, stabilized credit growth, stabilized financial leverage and corporate leverage, the economic fundamentals of China are stable and sound, the banking industry is developing at a steady pace, the asset quality is better than the same period of last year and also better than expected. It is undoubtedly a simple, biased and unfair decision of S&P to downgrade the ratings base on the inappropriate "pro-cyclical" rating framework, which is as good as missing the forest for the trees. 

I. First, it focused only on the temporary fluctuations featured by the economic transition period which China is currently in but overlooked the increasingly better macro credit environment for the banking industry. 

Over the past years, facing with the changes in economic growth comparative advantage and factor endowment, Chinese government has made great efforts to promote structural reforms on the supply side to have the economy grow on a more solid basis. The major indictors, such as GDP growth, employment, price, international balance of payments, are better than expected. The effect of the strategy of "de-capacity, de-stocking, de-leveraging, cost-declining, remedy the short-board" is remarkable, and the economic structure continues to be optimized. The production capacity of steel and coal has been reduced respectively by over 65 million tons and 128 million tons. The economic outlook is growing better. The PMI index stood at 51.7%, remaining above the threshold level for 13 consecutive months. The added value of industries above the designated size increased by 6.0%, 7.6% for small and medium enterprises. The corporate profits are growing steadily. The national industrial enterprises above designated size achieved a total profit of 4.2481 trillion yuan, an increase of 21.2% year on year. Main business income profit margin stood at 6.09%, an increase of 0.41 percentage points, the highest since 2012 over the same period.

II. Second, it focused only on the possible risks from the growing credit but overlooked that the overall quality of the banking industry is improving step by step. 

Thanks to the good external environment, the banking industry is having a sound development.The scale of banking assets and liabilities grew steadily. By the end of the second quarter of 2017, the total amount of RMB and foreign currency assets in China's banking financial institutions was RMB 243.2 trillion (about 36.91 trillion US dollars), up by 11.5% year on year. The total amount of RMB and foreign currency liabilities of domestic and foreign banking institutions was RMB224.9 trillion (about 34.13 trillion US dollars), up by 11.5% year on year. The quality of credit assets is generally stable. The NPL balance of commercial banks stood at 1.64 trillion yuan, with the NPL rate at 1.74%, which respectively was 1.76%, 1.74%, 1.74%, 1.74% in each quarter since the 3rd quarter of 2016, remaining the same for 3 quarters in a row. The profit growth has rebounded to some extent. The commercial banks realized a net profit of 970.3 billion yuan, an increase of 7.92% year on year and up by 3.31 percentage points over the previous quarter. The risk compensation capacity continues to strengthen. The balance of loan losses for commercial banks was 2.8983 trillion yuan, increasing by 74.7 billion yuan from the previous quarter. The provision coverage rate was 177.2% and the loan provision rate was 3.09%. The weighted average core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks was 10.64%, the weighted average tier 1 capital adequacy ratio was 11.12% and the weighted average capital adequacy ratio was 13.16%. The liquidity levels remain robust. The liquidity ratio of commercial banks was 49.5%, the RMB excess reserve rate 1.65% and the loan-to-deposit ratio 69.1%.

As the regulatory authorities in China attach more and more importance to guarding against the financial risks, given the above data, it is therefore reasonable to expect that China banking industry will continue to maintain a sound and stable development in the future with the risks under control. 

III. Third, it focused only on the leverage level but overlooked the possibilities of risk control in a different financing structure.

For some time, the leverage level of China was on the rise. Nevertheless, it is by no means reasonable to simply compare it with other countries. Rather we should take into account the distinctive financing structure of China. China has an indirect financing-oriented financial system and the banking loans play a leading role in social funding. In the meantime, China is a country of high savings rate, which currently stands at 46%. The large amount of resident savings is transformed through banks into the corporate loans, which is likely to drive up the leverage ratio. From the debt distribution point of view, the resident and government leverage rates of China are relatively low. As of the end of 2016, the resident leverage was 44.8% while the government leverage was only 36.7%, of which 16.1% came from the central government and 20.6% from the local government, moderately low compared either to the emerging market countries or developed countries. From the debt repayment point of view, China's debt corresponds to a large number of high-quality assets and stable cash flow. Be it state-owned enterprises or local governments, they both have a number of profitable or realizable assets, including highways and urban underground integrated corridors. They have strong debt solvency and multiple ways and means of deleveraging. Judging by the effect of deleveraging, over the past year, the corporate sector has made significant progress in deleveraging, with the 2016 economic overall leverage growth rate falling by 7 percentage points over the previous year and the growth rate of corporate leverage down by 9.2 percentage points.   

IV. Fourth, it focused only on the pressure during the economic transition period but overlooked the new achievements made by the banks in restructuring and supporting the real economy.

Currently, under the guidance of the regulatory authorities, the banking industry are taking the initiative to adapt to the economic "New Normal", increase credit control efforts and speed up the pace of business transformation. Their capacity of supporting the sustained and stable growth of the real economy has been significantly enhanced.

Firstly, there is a preliminary containment of the capital flow to virtual economy from the real economy, and the banking industry has seen "double declines" in interbank assets and liabilities as well as the wealth management products (WMP). On the one hand, the growth of interbank asset and liabilities was respectively -5.6% and -2.3%, double declining for the first time since 2010. The balances reduced respectively by 3.2 trillion yuan and 1.4 trillion yuan. On the other hand, the WMP has had a negative growth too. As of June 2016, the balance of WMP was 28.4 trillion yuan, growth rate plunged 35 percentage points from the year-earlier period. In addition, in the first half of 2017, the new personal housing mortgage loans accounted for 25.1% of the new loans, down by 10.9 percentage points over the previous year and 19.9 percentage points lower than the peak of the second half of 2017.     

Secondly, the credit support to the real economy has been further strengthened and the banking industry has shown a good momentum of "double ups". The first up is in the growth of agriculture-related loans. As of the end of June 2017, the balance of agriculture-related loans from national banking financial institutions balance was 30 trillion yuan, accounting for 25.2% of the total loan balance, an increase of 9.9% year on year; the second up is in the growth of micro and small loans, the balance of which reached 28.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.7% year on year, accounting for 25% of the total loans, covering 14.172 million households, an application success rate of 94.7%. 

V. Fifth, it focused only on the past problems but overlooked the determination and efficiency on the policy level to deleverage. 

The fifth National Financial Work Conference of China has explicitly made serving the real economy, safeguarding financial stability and deepening the financial reform the 3 most important tasks of the financial sector. It was also emphasized that guarding against systemic financial risks should be the eternal theme of financial work of China. S&P, however, paid too much attention to the historical issue of China's economy but failed to observe through the policies the confidence, determination and efficiency of China to address the debt problem and leverage issues. Nor did S&P notice the resulting positive effects and the improvements and upgrades in the overall credit environment. 

In terms of the currency policies, the Chinese government has adhered to a stable monetary policy in recent years. The government hasn't flooded its economy with strong stimulus measures. By the end of August, 2017, M2, a broad measure of money supply that covers cash in circulation and all deposits, rose 8.9% from a year earlier to 164.52 trillion yuan, the growth rate down by 2.5 percentage points over the same period of 2016. The M1 growth is down by 11.3 percentage points to 14%. In terms of deleveraging, the Chinese government has made the deleveraging of SOEs a top priority. The zombie companies are to be dealt with. China has also made deployments on the debt-to-equity swaps. In terms of control on the debt growth of local governments, it is required that the local government should change their development mindset and no longer pursue the growth rate with high debt. The local governments should compile and publicize their balance sheet. It can be combined with the SOE ownership reform, to revitalize the stock assets and optimize the incremental assets. Meanwhile, the accountability system shall also be strengthened. 

All in all, S&P overlooked the progress of China in the supply-side structural reform and innovation-driven development strategy. Downgrading the ratings on China despite of its good economic fundamentals and stable banking industry will not only give rise to doubts over its objectivity and impartiality, but also make the decision appear limited and unconvincing. S&P should re-assess and refine its rating framework, so as to see both the trees and the forests.



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