The Key Indicators 2016 report highlights the uneven though steady growth in the region, as well as the disparities between developing Asian and Pacific countries.
The Key Indicators presents key statistics on development issues concerning Asia and the Pacific and includes the latest available economic, financial, social, and environmental indicators for ADB's 48 regional members.
Part I of this issue presents the current status of economies of Asia and the Pacific with respect to the Sustainable Development Goals based on selected indicators from the global indicator framework. Part II comprises statistical indicators that capture economic, financial, social, and environmental developments. Part III presents key statistics and stylized facts on the phenomenon of global value chains.
In Asia and the Pacific, 330 million people still live on less than $1.90 a day.
Roughly 300 million people in Asia and the Pacific live without safe drinking water.
Nine in ten people now have access to electricity in Asia and the Pacific.
Other key findings include:
The SDGs present a universal call to action to build on the progress achieved through the MDGs by addressing social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainable development and ensuring that nobody will be left behind. 2015 is a milestone year for the SDGs as it serves as the baseline from which development performance of countries will be assessed. The Key Indicators 2016 compiles data for a subset of these indicators for which data are available for the economies of Asia and the Pacific. The Regional Trends and Tables part is grouped into eight themes, each of which has a brief analysis of key trends of selected indicators highlighting important recent developments in Asia and the Pacific. Advances made in information, communication, and transportation technology have enabled businesses to fragment and distribute production processes across the globe, giving rise to global value chains (GVCs). A very high proportion of international trade transpires within these GVCs rendering traditional measures inadequate in assessing the effects of these transactions on indicators such as employment, income, and GDP growth. To better understand the dynamics of modern trade, the ADB is producing and analyzing a variety of sophisticated measures of value added and GVC participation.Part I. Sustainable Development Goals
Part II. Region at a Glance
Part III. Global Value Chains