问:国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德刚刚就SDR审查发表了声明,请问人民银行有何评论? 答:人民银行欢迎国际货币基金组织总裁的声明,对基
“在文件中,基金组织工作人员经过评估认为,人民币符合“可自由使用”货币的要求,因此,工作人员建议执董会认定人民币可自由使用,并将其作为除英镑、欧元、日元和美元之外的第五种货币纳入特别提款权篮子。工作人员还认为,对于工作人员今年 7 月向执董会提交的初步分析中指出的所有悬而未决的操作性问题,中国当局也均已解决。
“我支持工作人员的分析和建议。当然,关于人民币是否应被纳入特别提款权货币篮子的决定将由基金组织执董会作出。我将于 11 月 30 日主持召开执董会会议,讨论这一问题。”
Statement by Ms. Christine Lagarde on IMF Review of SDR Basket of Currencies
Press Release No. 15/513
November 13, 2015
Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued the following statement today:
"The staff of the IMF has today issued a paper to the Executive Board on the quinquennial review of the SDR. A key focus of the Board review is whether the Chinese renminbi (RMB), which continues to meet the export criterion for inclusion in the SDR basket, also meets the other existing criterion, that the currency be “freely usable”, which is defined as being “widely used” for international transactions and “widely traded” in the principal foreign exchange markets.
"In the paper, IMF staff assesses that the RMB meets the requirements to be a “freely usable” currency and, accordingly, the staff proposes that the Executive Board determine the RMB to be freely usable and include it in the SDR basket as a fifth currency, along with the British pound, euro, Japanese yen, and the U.S. dollar. The staff also finds that the Chinese authorities have addressed all remaining operational issues identified in an initial staff analysis submitted to the Executive Board in July.
"I support the staff’s findings. The decision, of course, on whether the RMB should be included in the SDR basket rests with the IMF’s Executive Board. I will chair a meeting of the Board to consider the issue on November 30."