金融危机 贸易银行呼之欲出 广发行逆势掘金贸易融资

2008-12-15 22:24 1035

  “广发行前三季度国际贸易结算增长41%,增速位居股份制银行首位。”广发行人士介绍说。据了解,今年广发行的国际业务继续保持强劲增长,根据ICC CHINA的数据,今年前三季度广发行的国际结算量较去年同期增长40%,业务增速在股份制银行中排名第一。外汇中间业务收入同比增长33%。



  “广发行前三季度国际贸易结算增长41%,增速位居股份制银行首位。”广发行人士介绍说。据了解,今年广发行的国际业务继续保持强劲增长,根据ICC CHINA的数据,今年前三季度广发行的国际结算量较去年同期增长40%,业务增速在股份制银行中排名第一。外汇中间业务收入同比增长33%。










A reporter learned yesterday from the issuing wide, despite the economic crisis in international trade against the backdrop of increased risk, but the Guangdong Development Bank's international trade finance market growth, growth in the national joint-stock bank in a leading position, trade-too-apparent image of the bank.

To build trade bank

"In the first three quarters broad issue of international trade clearing 41% growth rate ranked first joint-stock banks." Kwong said that those who issue. It is understood that this broad issue of the international business continued to maintain strong growth, according to the ICC CHINA data, the first three quarters of this year, the broad issue of International Settlements higher than the same period last year, up 40%, business growth in the joint-stock banks in the first place. In the middle of foreign exchange revenue grew 33%.

It is reported that Guangdong is located in the broad issue, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, well-developed export-oriented economy, international settlement and associated international trade finance business has always been the broad issue of the traditional strengths. Canton since 2006, issued restructuring has been successful, the new management team will be the international business as a major profit growth point, trying hard to develop international business.

Kwong said the issue, the Bank of supply chain financing, structured financing concept, the strengthening of the domestic aspects of trade financing market interventions designed to seamlessly connect the domestic and foreign trade finance solutions and strengthen its strategic shareholder in Citigroup The supply chain.

So far this year, increasing the risk of the international market, but still achieve the broad issue of financing the rapid growth of international trade. It is reported that this year for export enterprises are facing adverse circumstances, the broad issue of increased product innovation, launched in line with international trade trends in the development of new international trade financing remittances, pre-shipment financing, commodity financing the entire program-controlled goods such as new products .

Statistics show that the broad issue of trade financing has been leading in the domestic market. October 2008 data show that the broad issue of international trade financing on 10,000 customers, international trade financing 77 percent year-on-year growth, trade and banking strategy to bear fruit. The bank said the expansion of trade financing business, the bank has become the strategic focus of one of the business.

Nuggets domestic trade

But the broad issue of overseas markets, the risk is not worried. At present, the broad issue of export enterprises to adapt to the trend of the domestic market, and make a U-turn to open up domestic markets for trade financing. Canton who introduced the issue, the bank has with the China Export Credit Insurance Corporation signed a "domestic trade credit insurance under the trade financing agreement" to support domestic enterprises in the trade to adopt a more flexible way of positive credit sales business.

Kwong said the issue, a move aimed at the international trade in banking and insurance companies in credit insurance cooperation under the concept into a mature domestic, which will help open up new customer groups and business. Under the agreement, based on the real background of trade under the premise of the seller to deliver the goods for sale, the buyer worry about default, bankruptcy or insolvency of the risks, insurance seller in the domestic credit insurance, compensation insurance policy will be beneficial to the broad issue of transfers, can be Directly from the issuing wide access to financial support.

It is reported that extensive and previously issued CITIC security cooperation and achieved some good results. In 2007 the bank insurance Negotiating letter and Syria to do to achieve a doubling of growth year-on-year increase of 194 percent. Canton in 2008 issued by the Export Credit Insurance Corporation under the financing in China and export credit insurance cooperation between the 56 banks ranked sixth in the third quarter of export credit insurance cover the amount of financing among the first joint-stock banks. The two sides will target the domestic market.

Kwong said the issue with CITIC security cooperation to meet the full range of enterprise in the domestic trade in the comprehensive financial needs of the market has broad prospects, the next step will be the two sides in this market expansion.



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