About Cotecna:
Cotecna inspection Egypt is a branch ofCotecna Inspection an International Inspection Company based in Geneva Swiss.
Cotecna is one of the specialized companiesin the field of consumer goods, general and agricultural cargos including theindustrial goods.
Cotecna is one of the early accreditedcompanies by general authority of export and import control in the field oftextiles and leather inspection of origin countries and issuance of certificateof quality confirming the Egyptian standards.
Contacts :
Tell : 03-4273639
Fax : 03-4273634
Cell phone:0100-2140092
Contact Person:Mr-Yasser yassin
Ms-Heba ZamZam
Mr-Samir Abd Elmaseh
About SGS:
As the world’s leading inspection,verification, testing and certification company we provide competitiveadvantage, drive sustainability and deliver trust. Recognized as the globalbenchmark for quality and integrity, we employ over 70 000 people and operate anetwork of more than 1 350 offices and laboratories around the world. We arecontinually pushing ourselves to deliver innovative services and solutions thathelp our customers move their businesses forward.
Contacts :
Tell: 20348 10 646
Fax: +203 48 10 607
Cell phone: (+20) 1000 53 366
Contact Person:Mamdouh El Sayed
Address BusinessMen Building, Gate 14, Alexandrial Port
Alexandria, Egypt.
3 Intertek
About intertek:
For more than 130 years, companies aroundthe world have depended on Intertek to ensure the quality and safety of theirproducts, processes and systems.
We go beyond testing, inspecting andcertifying products; we help customers improve performance, gain efficienciesin manufacturing and logistics, overcome market constraints, and reduce risk.We’ve earned a reputation for helping our customers increase the value of theirproducts, gain competitive advantage, and develop trusted brands. Through ourservices we help our clients to minimise the adverse health and environmentalimpact of their products and processes for the benefit of society as a whole.
Intertek is the industry leader with over36,000 people in 1,000 locations in over 100 countries. Whether your businessis local or global, we can ensure your products meet quality, health,environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually anymarket around the world. We hold extensive global accreditations, recognitions,and agreements, and our knowledge of and expertise in overcoming regulatory,market, and supply chain hurdles is unrivalled.
Intertek helps governments, Customs, andnational standards organisations improve the compliance of imports with safetystandards, protect import duty revenues, and secure the international supplychain.
With over 20 years expertise our ConformityAssessment Programmes help ensure imported goods meet safety and otherstandards. Many countries have implemented and enacted mandatory legislationfor goods being imported to their countries including Egypt. IntertekConformity Assessment Programmes ensure that products are fully tested in arecognised laboratory and a certificate issued before they are shipped to theclient country. Testing is to agreed national or international standards.
Intertek is the global market leader in thefollowing testing industries: Electrical products; textiles, footwear andgarments; toys; building products, and petrochemicals.
Intertek is registered and approved byGOIEC to issue the mandatory Certificate of Inspection for exports of Textiles,Garments, Carpets, Footwear and Bags to Egypt. Intertek is qualified, in linewith the ministerial requirements to review and analyze shipments containingthese products in conjunction with applicable Egyptian Standard and issue aCertificate of Inspection (CoI) that will be formally recognized by EgyptCustoms Authorities.
For specific details on the Egypt ConformityAssessment Programme, please visithttp://www.intertek.com/government/certificate-of-inspection-for-exports-to-egypt/
Contact us :
Programme Management
14F, Millennium Plaza Tower,
Sheikh Zayed Road,
PO Box 26290,
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 317 8777
Fax: +971 4 331 6735
E-mail: pm@intertek.com
Contact: Programme Manager
Liaison Office
2nd Floor, Block 13001, Piece 15
Street 13, First Industrial Zone,
Next to Abou Ghali Motors, El Obour City
Post Code 18111 ,Cairo, Egypt
Telefax: +20 (0)2 461 038 44 / 45 / 46
Mobile: +20 (0)100 14 11 712
E-mail: ayman.khalil@intertek.com
Contact: Ayman Khalil
Mohamed Ibrahim
4 Bureau Veritas
About Bureau Veritas:
Bureau Veritas is a world leader inconformity assessment, testing and certification services. Created in 1828, theGroup has more than 52,000 employees in 940 offices and 340 laboratorieslocated in 140 countries.
Bureau Veritas believes that it is theprincipal player in the Toys and Hardline products segment and the secondlargest player in the Softline products segment, such as textiles, and clothes.
To answer all kinds of needs and to provideglobal solutions, the Group holds numerous accreditations from specializedinternational accreditation bodies. Bureau Veritas is the first inspectioncompany to get ISO 17020 accreditation with the scope of verification ofconformity and pre-shipment inspection activities.
In Egypt, Bureau Veritas is approved byGEOIC to assess the conformity of Textile-Footwear products against theapplicable Egyptian or international standards.
Contacts :
Tell:+ 202 2418 3020 – 2418 2998 - 22900195
Fax:+ 202 418 3016 – 2690 8191
Contact Person:Hossam Sakr
5 Group ViTSAN / Applus / EGESCOQuality
ViTSAN / Applus / EGESCOQuality Group Is a leading global network active inthe fields of; technology, testing, inspection and certification of productsand systems. With 65 branches covering 50 countries, our labs areinternationally accredited, and we are internationally accredited as inspectionbody in a wide scope.
Is a leading provider of Quality and safetyservices and solutions serving a wide range of industries around the worldthrough our understanding of regulatory and quality requirements.
Is qualified through our staff of Qualityservices professionals,to issueCertificates of Inspections for pre-shipmentimports and exports of all productsincluding industrial and agricultural products
Cell phone:+201097487227
Contact Person:Eng. Omia Ali Hassan
6 China Certification & Inspection Group(CCIC)
China Certification & Inspection Group(CCIC) is an independent third party certification and inspection organizationdedicated to providing inspection, verification, certification and testingservices, with accreditation by General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China(AQSIQ),Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic ofChina(CNCA) and China National Accreditation Service for ConformityAssessment(CNAS).
Developed over 30 years, CCIC has become acomprehensive one-stop service provider for international clients in the fieldsof quality, safety, health and environmental protection. CCIC enjoys greatreputation worldwide and is the most influential and comprehensivemulti-national inspection & certification organization in China.
CCIC’s clients include enterprises,organizations, governments and individuals in the sectors of petroleum,chemical product, mining, agricultural products, industrial products, consumerproducts, foodstuff, automobile, construction, logistics, retailing as well assome other key industries. CCIC now owns approximately 300 offices, 300cooperative labs, over 18,000 employees. CCIC’s business network covers majorports, cities and trade centers in over 20 countries and regions.
CCIC will make constant efforts to expandits business scope, improve its service quality, and promote CCIC and CQC astrustworthy brands to feed the needs of its clients. With its internationaloperation experience, cutting-edge technologies and global business network,CCIC provides clients worldwide with impartial, efficient, reliable,standardized and localized services.
Website of CCIC: www.ccic.com
Contact Person:Ms Angela
Telephone: +86-10-84603008
7 TUV Rheinland
Rheinland is a Global provider oftechnical, safety, and certification services. It was founded in 1872 and hasits headquarters in Cologne, Germany. It employs about 17,950 people in 500locations in 66 countries and generates annual revenues of € 1.601 billion (48%outside of Germany).The group's guiding principle is to achieve sustaineddevelopment of safety and quality in order to meet the challenges arising fromthe interaction between man, technology and the environment.
TUV Rheinland has bundled its more than2.500 services into a portfolio of 42 global business fields. These are againcombined into 6 business streams: Industrial Services, Mobility, Products, LifeCare, Training and Consulting and Systems. The areas of testing include motorvehicles, industrial facilities and plants as well as consumer goods. Today TـV Rheinland is a global leader in the areas of toy- and furnituretesting as well as in the assessment and certification of Photovoltaics.
Contacts :
Tell:+2 02 25166297 - +2 02 25166998
Fax:+2 02 25166297 +2 02 25166998
Cell phone:01202010055
Website: www.tuv.com
Contact Person:Mr. Adel Nabhan
Everyday around the world, customers cometo TÜV SÜD with questions. “Can we make it better, faster, more efficient andsustainable? How do we strike the balance between quality, profitability andsustainability?”
Beyond solving problems, TÜV SÜD is dedicatedto adding tangible economic value to our customers. That is why “Choosecertainty. Add value.” is the core philosophy behind everything that we do. Wepartner our customers with early consultation and continuous guidance to makesustainable progress a reality.
Headquartered in Munich, Germany andfounded in 1866, TÜV SÜD is one of the world's leading technical serviceorganizations.
Today, we are represented by more than18,600 employees across 800 locations, partnering clients wherever they are inthe world. Our community of experts is passionate about technology and isinspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the belief thattechnology should better people’s lives, we work alongside our customers tooptimize their operations, enable them to access global markets and enhancetheir competitiveness.
TÜV SÜD’s competences cover clients’ needs.
Auditing & System Certification
Knowledge services
Testing & Product Certification
TÜV SÜD China is accredited by GOEIC in thefield of garment and leather inspection of origin country and issuance ofcertificate of quality confirming the Egyptian standards.
Contact us :
Telephone : +852 2788-5106
Fax : +852 2776-1372
E-Mail : GMA@tuv-sud.cn
Website : http://www.tuv-sud.com
Contact Person : Jennifer Cheung
9 Galileo Inspectorate - EGESCO
A global inspection group, internationallyaccredited, covering all Consumer, Industrial, and Non Industrial Products .
Contact Us :
Cell Phone:
Eng. Omaya Ali Hassan